
We Believe :

 The faculty, Govt. College of Nursing believe that nursing is a professional discipline based on the holistic concept of health care, directed towards rendering quality care to the clients with commitment & compassion.

 We believe health as a dynamic state of being on a continuum from optimal wellness to illness and a state of health exists when a person functions as an integrated whole, living and interacting with environments in a productive manner.

 We believe the profession of nursing makes an essential contribution to society and education for professional Nursing is best conducted in an institution of higher learning.

 We believe Nursing Education takes place through a planned teaching learning process and this education prepares the student for professional practice and leadership roles within an ever changing health care industry.

 We believe Nursing Education at the masters level is specifically concerned with preparing Nurses with advanced practice skills to provide expert nursing care to society & contribute to nursing science as mentors.

 We believe that professional nurses contribute to the nursing research, work toward continued improvement & growth of nursing.

Core Values

  1. Competence: Demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes in the performance of activities at an acceptable level of proficiency
  2. Respect: Treat everyone with dignity, respect and behave professionally
  3. Altruism: Have concern and advocacy for the welfare of patients and colleagues
  4. Accountability: Acknowledge your actions and learn from mistakes
  5. Commitment: Keep promises and act honestly and responsibly to achieve goals
  6. Integrity: Act truthfully according to the code of ethics and accepted standards of practice

    Quality Policy

    Government college of nursing Kottayam defines quality as an extent to which the curricular, extracurricular, and administrative processes satisfy the implied standards. The quality assurance committee assures continuous monitoring of actions, planning andimplementing corrective steps.

    Quality Policy
    Government College Of Nursing Kottayam strives to offer highest standard in quality nursing education and train students to deliver evidence based practice in nursing care. Government College Of Nursing Kottayam constantly aims to upgrade all its policies to meet excellent standards and quality students are molded with ethical and professional values.

    Quality Objectives
    1. To furnish well maintained infrastructure facilities
    2. To provide student friendly environment with professionally competent faculty and staff
    3. To prepare students based on well defined curriculum and timely monitoring of it to promote quality education
    4. To develop a system for monitoring and maintaining quality in the institution
    5. To enable students to participate and conduct research activities
    6. To foster students for community partnership in health and developmental activities
    7. To ensure support and guidance services to students
    8. To ensure continuous improvement at all levels for achieving of most satisfaction of students, parents and society
    9. To Determine Excellence In Niursing Education Through Innovative Practices
    10. To Ensure Best Governance Of The Institution By Enabling A Harmonious Cordia Relationship Among Faculty,Staff And Students
    11. To Obtain Feedback From Students And Staff To Build A Competent Education System
    Quality Policy Statement
    The quality policy strengthens excellence in all our ventures encircling teaching, research and continuing education by meeting the global standards. It helps to remain focused in our core and support functions, to hold ourselves accountable with stakeholders through embedded processes of self- evaluation and continuous improvement.

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