About Us

Govt.College of Nursing, Kottayam is one of the pioneer institutions of Nursing Education in Kerala, offering basic & higher education programmes. The main objective of the college is to render quality nursing education.

The college was established in 1982, as the 3rd Nursing college in Government sector, Kerala. The institution offers innovative learning approach through classroom teaching with the help of modern technology and clinical teaching with a vision to prepare global nurses with perfect knowledge, right attitude and accurate skill. Since we are collaborating with Medical College Hospital, Kottayam, students get immense exposure to the real world of caring, interacting with individuals sick and well. This makes their transition from nursing students to professional nurses, effortless and smooth. A core of experienced and competent faculty is the backbone of the institution, providing the students with up-to-date knowledge and skill.

Besides the regular academic programmes, the college also conducts periodic staff development programmes for nursing personnel to upgrade the knowledge and skill. Our college is a study centre for Ph.D programme in Nursing conducted by Mahatma Gandhi University and Kerala University of Health Sciences. The institution also provides the students with supportive learning environment, career oriented guidance and excellent library facilities which are also contributing to their academic & clinical excellence.


Govt. College of Nursing, Kottayam strives to be the center of excellence at national level in nursing education &research and build nursing professionals to practice globally contributing to high standards of health care.


Govt. College of Nursing, Kottayam prepares quality focused & value based nurse graduates & post graduates to become responsible citizens and professional nurses at varied settings in hospitals and community.


Govt. College of Nursing, Kottayam was started in May 1982, as the third Government College of Nursing in Kerala. Prof C.Chandrakanthi assumed charge as the first Director of the College on 20-05-1982.The first batch of 25 students were admitted on 03-01-1983.Since the physical facilities at Kottayam were inadequate, College functioned at College of Nursing, Trivandrum from January 1983 to November 1985. In 1984 when Mahatma Gandhi University came into existence, the College was affliated to MG university. In November 1989, the College was shifted to kottayam with three batches of students and started functioning at the old administrative block of Medical College. The student strength was extended from 25 to 50 from 1994 admission onwards and from 50 to 60 from 2003 admission onwards.

The new building for the college was inaugurated on 29-06-1997 by Shri A.C Shanmughadas the Honourable Minister for Health and Family Welfare.

Historical Events

May 1982: Govt. College of Nursing Kottayam started functioning
 January 1983: Admission of I Batch BSc (N)students (25 Seats)
 Jan 1983 to Nov 1985: College functioned at Trivandrum
 01.11.1985: College shifted to Kottayam
17.5.1986: Recognized by Indian Nursing Council
1988: Alumni association was formed
 Sept 1992: No of seats for BSc (N) enhanced to 50
 March 1994: Construction of new building for college started
 June 1997: New college building inaugurated
 Dec 1998:Youth Red Cross unit started
 Feb 2000: GNM Course (TSP) started. Annual intake 20
 Oct 2001: Counseling cell ‘Insight’ inaugurated
25.7.2003: New hostel building construction started
 Aug 2003: BSc (N) seat enhanced to 60
2004: MSc (N) started (4 seats)
2005: MSc (N) seat enhanced to 22
 Sept 2006: New hostel inaugurated
 Oct 2007: Jubilee year of CNK
 2009: Inservice training for nurses under Global fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) was initiated
 2011: Post Basic Diploma Nursing Programme was started in five specialties with 22 seats.
College is affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences, Thrissur .
Recognized by Indian Nursing Council & Kerala Nurses & Midwives Council
 2013: A new hostel of Govt. College of Nursing was inaugurated
 2015: Recognized as Ph.D study centre by M.G. University
 2015: Inaugurated Nursing School (College of Nursing Annexe) on 14.06.2015, which was constructed for GNM students under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP). Foundation stone laid for Examination Hall cum Auditorium & Library complex on 14.06.2015 for the Nursing College
 2016: Recognized as a Research Centre, of Kerala University of Health Sciences, and 6 faculties are recognized Ph.D guides.
 2017: Selected Govt. College of Nursing, Kottayam as a State Nodal centre for Strengthening nursing cadre in Kerala through pre-service education strengthening initiative. Selected as a centre of Prime Minister’s Special Scholarship Scheme for students of Jammu & Kashmir initiated by the Ministry of Home Affairs as well as Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. Kerala since 2017-18 academic year admission.
 2018: Number of seats for GNM course enhanced from 20 to 30 during 2018-19 admission
 28.09.2021: Examination hall cum auditorium & library complex (29000sq.ft) inaugurated by Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Women & Child Development, Mrs. Veena George in a colourful and grand function presided over by Mr.V.N. Vasavan, Minister for Cooperation and Registration.

Awards & Achievements

- Awarded for Best College Magazine in Nursing stream under KUHS 2018-19
- Obtained SNA East Zone overall cultural trophy in 2019
- Dr.Sreedevi T.R. Best Teacher Award , KUHS 2018
- Dr.Usha V.K., Best Teacher Award , KUHS 2019
- Dr.Sreedevi T.R.- Appointed as Dean , KUHS 2020

Upcoming Developments

Multipurpose hall (Auditorium cum library complex)
Ph.D – KUHS 
4 research scholars enrolled for Ph.D programme in the current academic year 


The faculty and students of Govt. Nursing College are actively participating in the Covid 19 control & prevention activities of Govt.Medical College, Kottayam & also the PG students conducted several training & health education sessions for the staff of District Collectorate, Water Authority and DEO Office of Kottayam District in collaboration with District Medical Officer of Health, Kottayam.

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